This is functional strength training that occurs on a circular basis: athletes walk in a circle through exercise "stations" and perform physical exercises for specific muscle groups within a certain time interval. Each station provides an opportunity to perform various exercises that develop coordination and improve physical fitness, strength, and endurance.
X-fit training allows you to combine the most popular exercises into a single system. During this training, various muscle groups are trained, strengthening the cardiovascular system.
Difficulty level: Medium
HIIT (HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING) - is a cardio type of training, during which the heart muscles are activated by combining high and low-intensity exercises and rest periods.
Tai susipažinimas su joga iš kineziterapinės perspektyvos. Čia senovės išmintis pagrįsta anatomijos, biomechanikos ir kineziologijos žiniomis. .
Aerobics and Pilates workout is focused on developing the entire musculoskeletal system, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and improving the condition of the spine.