Functional mobility workout focuses not only on increasing your flexibility and mobility but also on using these qualities in practice to perform various movements.
During training, we will expand our range of motion, and use our strength, core stability, coordination, balance and, of course, mobility in goal-oriented exercises.
We will strive to balance and develop all our physical abilities through practical tasks.
Difficulty level: Medium
Hatha joga iš sanskrito kalbos reiškia ,,jėgų ryšys". Mūsų jėga susidaro iš energijų balanso, kad būtų pasiekta pusiausvyra tarp kūno, proto ir dvasios.
The training focuses on developing the entire musculoskeletal system, improving the condition of the spine, and combining strength exercises and flexibility.
The classes will teach you various useful exercises for the hip joint and general strengthening of the whole body.